
教員紹介 横山 友也

職位 助教
氏名 横山 友也
メールアドレス yokoyama-yuya[at]aiit.ac.jp



  • 2010年3月 京都工芸繊維大学工芸科学部情報工学課程 卒業
  • 2012年3月 京都工芸繊維大学大学院工芸科学研究科博士前期課程 情報工学専攻 修了
  • 2015年3月 京都工芸繊維大学大学院工芸科学研究科博士後期課程 設計工学専攻 修了


  • 博士(学術)、修士(工学)


  • 2014年4月~2016年3月 日本学術振興会 特別研究員 DC2/PD(2016年3月まで)

  • 2016年4月~2023年3月 京都府立大学 生命環境科学研究科 特任助教・共同研究員(2023年3月まで)





  • PBL副担当を務めて、学生と主担当の先生の間を取り持って、調和を保ちかつ円滑な人間関係を築く役割を担った。
  • PBLでの発表内容に対してアドバイスを送ることで、高いレベルのプロダクトを公表できるよう貢献した。








  • Yuya Yokoyama: “Using Additional Sets of Random Data to Assess Possible Dissaving Risk Against Life Expectancy for Elderly People”, Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 1125. Springer, pp.167-188, 2024.
  • Yuya Yokoyama and Yasunari Yoshitomi: “Further Analysis of Anonymous Data to Assess Dissaving Risk against Life Expectancy for Elderly People,” Information Engineering Express, Vol.9, No.1, pp.1-14, 2023.
  • Yuya Yokoyama, Teruhisa Hochin and Hiroki Nomiya: “Application of 2-gram and 3-gram to Obtain Factor Scores of Statements Posted at Q&A Sites”, International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing, Volume 10, Issue1-2, pp.11-20, 2022.
  • 横山友也, 吉冨康成: “高齢者の支出過少判定と特徴的な支出項目の抽出”, 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会論文誌, Vol.64, pp.126-153, 2021.
  • Yuya Yokoyama and Yasunari Yoshitomi: “Detailed Assessment of Dissaving Risk Against Life Expectancy for Elderly People using Anonymous Data and/or Random Data: A Review,” Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal (ASTESJ), Vol.6, No.2, pp.871-886, 2021.
  • Yuya Yokoyama, Teruhisa Hochin and Hiroki Nomiya: “Quantitative Evaluation to Investigate Further Tendency of Obtaining Potential Appropriate Respondents to Questions at Q&A Sites”, International Journal of Affective Engineering, Vol.19, No.2, pp.101-110, 2020.
  • Yuya Yokoyama, Teruhisa Hochin and Hiroki Nomiya: “Quantitative Evaluation of Potential Tendency Differences between English and Japanese in Detecting Appropriate Respondents at Q&A Sites”, International Journal of Affective Engineering, Vol.18, No.3, pp.145-154, 2019.
  • Yuya Yokoyama, Teruhisa Hochin and Hiroki Nomiya: “Improvement of Obtaining Potential Appropriate Respondents to Questions at Q&A Sites by Considering Categories of Answer Statements”, International Journal of Affective Engineering, Vol.16, No.2, pp.63-73, 2017.
  • Yuya Yokoyama, Teruhisa Hochin and Hiroki Nomiya: “Towards Detecting Appropriate Respondents to Questions Posted at Q&A Sites by Disregarding and Considering Categories of Answer Statements”, International Journal of Affective Engineering, Vol.15, No.2, pp.167-175, 2016.
  • 横山友也, 宝珍輝尚, 野宮浩揮: “質問回答サイトにおける質問文への適切な回答者の選出法”, 日本感性工学会論文誌, Vol.15, No.1, pp.21-29, 2016.
  • Yuya Yokoyama, Teruhisa Hochin and Hiroki Nomiya: “Using Feature Values of Statements to Improve the Estimation Accuracy of Factor Scores of Impressions of Question and Answer Statements”, International Journal of Affective Engineering, Vol.13, No.1, pp.19-26, 2014.
  • Yuya Yokoyama, Teruhisa Hochin and Hiroki Nomiya: “Improvement of Estimation of Objective Scores of Answer Statements Posted at Q&A Sites”, International Journal of Software Innovation, Vol.1, No.4, pp.16-30, 2013.
  • Yuya Yokoyama, Teruhisa Hochin and Hiroki Nomiya: “Estimation of Factor Scores of Impressions of Question and Answer Statements”, International Journal of Software Innovation, Vol.1, No.2, pp.53-66, 2013.
  • 横山友也, 宝珍輝尚, 野宮浩揮, 佐藤哲司: “文章の特徴量を用いた質問回答文の印象の因子得点の推定”, 日本感性工学会論文誌, Vol.12, No.1, pp.15-24, 2013.
  • Yuya Yokoyama, Teruhisa Hochin, Hiroki Nomiya, and Tetsuji Satoh: “Obtaining Factors Describing Impression of Questions and Answers and Estimation of their Scores from Feature Values of Statements”, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol.413, pp.1-13, Springer, 2012.
  • 横山友也, 宝珍輝尚, 野宮浩揮, 佐藤哲司: “質問回答サイトの質問文と回答文の印象評価とベストアンサーの推定”, 日本感性工学会論文誌, Vol.10, No.2, pp.221-230, 2011.


  • Yuya Yokoyama: “Using 2-gram to Detect Potential Appropriate Respondents to Questions at Q&A Sites”, Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Management and Applications (SERA 2024), 6 pages, 2024.

  • Yuya Yokoyama: “Impression and Suitability of Q&A Statements through Factor Scores Using 2-gram”, Proceedings of the 15th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI 2023-Winter), pp.45-51, 2023.

  • Yuya Yokoyama: “Application of 3-gram to English Statements Posted at Q&A Sites to Obtain Factor Scores”, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Data Science (ISDS 2023), Springer, Vol.1950, pp.231-246, 2023.

  • Yuya Yokoyama: “Application of 5-gram to Obtain Factor Scores of Japanese Q&A Statements”, Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI 2023), pp.69-75, 2023.

  • Yuya Yokoyama: “Consideration of Semantics between Q&A Statements to Obtain Factor Score”, Proceedings of the 21st IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Management and Applications (SERA 2023), pp.169-175, 2023.

  • Yuya Yokoyama: “Consideration of Semantics between Q&A Statements to Obtain Factor Score”, Proceedings of the 21st IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Management and Applications (SERA 2023), Accepted, 2023.

  • Yuya Yokoyama, Teruhisa Hochin and Hiroki Nomiya: “Using 4-gram to Obtain Factor Scores of Japanese Statements Posted at Q&A Sites”, Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI 2022-Winter), pp.25-31, 2022.

  • Yuya Yokoyama, Teruhisa Hochin and Hiroki Nomiya: “Application of 2-gram to English Q&A Statements to Obtain Factor Scores”, Proceedings of the 23rd ACIS International Summer Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD2022-Summer), pp.134-140, 2022.

  • Yuya Yokoyama, Teruhisa Hochin and Hiroki Nomiya: “Further Observation to Investigate Tendency of Obtaining Potential Appropriate Respondents to Questions at Q&A Sites with Expansion of Categories”, Proceedings of the 21st ACIS International Semi-Virtual Winter Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD2021-Winter), pp.12-17, 2021.

  • Yuya Yokoyama and Yasunari Yoshitomi: "Further Assessment of Dissaving Risk against Life Expectancy for Elderly People through Anonymous Data and Random Data for Social Implementation", Proc. of 9th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI 2020), Proc. of the 9th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI 2020), pp.27-32, 2020.

  • Yuya Yokoyama and Yasunari Yoshitomi: “A Method to Assess Dissaving Risk against Life Expectancy for Elderly People,” Proceedings of the 20th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2019), pp.262-267, 2019.

  • Yuya Yokoyama, Teruhisa Hochin and Hiroki Nomiya: “Obtaining Factors of Q&A Statements with the Consideration of Categories”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computational Science/ Intelligence & Applied Informatics (CSII 2019), pp.19-24, 2019.

  • Yuya Yokoyama, Teruhisa Hochin and Hiroki Nomiya: “Estimation Improvement of Objective Scores of Answer Statements with Consideration of Multicollinearity and Semantic Similarity”, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Computational Science/ Intelligence & Applied Informatics (CSII 2018), pp.166-171, 2018.

  • Yuya Yokoyama, Teruhisa Hochin and Hiroki Nomiya: “Estimation Improvement of Objective Scores of Answer Statements with Consideration of Semantic Similarity”, Proceedings of the 19th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2018), pp.188-193, 2018.

  • Yuya Yokoyama, Teruhisa Hochin and Hiroki Nomiya: “Estimation of Factor Scores from Feature Values of English Question and Answer Statements”, Proceedings of the 15th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS2016), pp.741-746, 2016.

  • Yuya Yokoyama, Teruhisa Hochin and Hiroki Nomiya: “Method of Introducing Appropriate Respondents to Questions at Question-and-Answer Sites”, Proceedings of 16th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2015), pp.533-538, 2015.

  • Yuya Yokoyama, Teruhisa Hochin and Hiroki Nomiya: “Consideration of Cross-validation in Estimating Objective Scores of Answer Statements Posted at Q&A Sites”, Proceedings of 15th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software, Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD2014), pp.281-286, 2014.

  • Yuya Yokoyama, Teruhisa Hochin and Hiroki Nomiya: “Estimation of Objective Scores of Answer Statements Posted at Q&A Sites”, Proceedings of 14th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software, Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD2013), pp.426-431, 2013.

  • Yuya Yokoyama, Teruhisa Hochin, Hiroki Nomiya and Tetsuji Satoh: “Explaining Estimation of Factor Scores of Question and Answer Statements”, Proceedings of 13th ACIS International Conference on Software, Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD2012), pp.779-784, 2012.

  • Yuya Yokoyama, Teruhisa Hochin, Hiroki Nomiya and Tetsuji Satoh: “Improvement of Estimation Accuracy of Factor Scores from Feature Values of Statements”, Proceedings of IIAI/ACIS International Symposium on Innovative E-Services and Information Systems (IEIS 2012), pp.300-305, 2012.


  • 横山友也: “構文解析を用いた質問回答文の因子得点の推定”, 2024年度人工知能学会全国大会(第38回), 4G3-GS-2-03, 2 pages, 2024.
  • 横山友也, 吉冨康成: “高齢者の貯蓄取り崩しリスクの判定方法”, 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会2019年春季研究発表会アブストラクト集, 2-F-11, pp.240-241, 2019.
  • 横山友也, 吉冨康成: “高齢者における支出過少に特徴的な支出項目の抽出と消費能力判定方法”, 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会2018年秋季研究発表会, 2-B-10 , pp.176-177, 2018.
  • 吉冨康成, 浅田太郎, 横山友也: “支出の推定に有効な項目抽出のための0-1計画問題とGAによる近似解法”, 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会2018年秋季研究発表会, 2-B-9 , pp.174-175, 2018.
  • Yuya Yokoyama, Teruhisa Hochin and Hiroki Nomiya: “Factors Describing Impression of English Question and Answer Statements”, 第11回日本感性工学会春季大会, G12-3, 2016.
  • 横山友也, 宝珍輝尚, 野宮浩揮: “グッドアンサーのための回答文の客観的評価値の妥当性について”, 第8回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム(DEIM2016), A3-1, 8 pages, 2016.
  • 横山友也, 宝珍輝尚, 野宮浩揮: “質問回答サイトにおける質問文への適切な回答者の妥当性の検証”, 情報処理学会第77回全国大会, 5B-3, 2 pages, 2015.
  • Yuya Yokoyama, Teruhisa Hochin and Hiroki Nomiya: “Finding Appropriate Respondents to Questions at Question and Answer Sites”, 第7回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム(DEIM2015), A4-4, 8pages, 2015.横山友也, 宝珍輝尚, 野宮浩揮: “質問回答サイトに投稿された回答文の客観的評価値の推定精度の向上 ~質問文と回答文の共通名詞を用いて~”, 第158回データベースシステム研究発表会, A1-3, 2013.
  • 横山友也, 宝珍輝尚, 野宮浩揮: “質問回答サイトにおける回答文の客観的評価の推定”, 2013 年度情報処理学会関西支部 支部大会, G-05, 2013.
  • 横山友也, 宝珍輝尚, 野宮浩揮: “質問回答サイトに投稿された回答文の客観的評価値の推定”, 第15 回日本感性工学会大会, E71, 2013.
  • 横山友也, 宝珍輝尚, 野宮浩揮, 佐藤哲司: “文章の特徴量を用いた質問回答文の印象の因子得点の推定精度の向上”, 第18回公開シンポジウム「人文科学とデータベース」, pp.25-32, 2012.
  • 横山友也, 宝珍輝尚, 野宮浩揮, 佐藤哲司: “文末表現を考慮した文章の特徴量を用いた質問回答文の因子得点の推定”, 第17回公開シンポジウム「人文科学とデータベース」, pp.9-20, 2012.
  • 横山友也, 宝珍輝尚, 野宮浩揮, 佐藤哲司: “単語心像性を用いた質問回答文の因子得点の推定精度の向上”,平成23年度 情報処理学会関西支部 支部大会, C-13, 2011.
  • 横山友也, 宝珍輝尚, 野宮浩揮, 佐藤哲司: “文章の特徴量を用いた質問回答文の因子得点の推定精度の向上”,日本感性工学会関西支部大会, 2011.
  • 横山友也, 宝珍輝尚, 野宮浩揮, 佐藤哲司: “文章の特徴量を用いた質問回答文の因子得点の推定”, 第6回日本感性工学春季大会, 22D-2, 2011.
  • 横山友也, 宝珍輝尚, 野宮浩揮, 佐藤哲司: “質問回答サイトの質問文と回答文の印象評価”, 第2回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム(DEIM2010), C4-2, 2010.


  • 吉冨康成、浅田太郎、田伏正佳、横山友也:『演習で学ぶ MATLABによるディープラーニング』、コロナ社、ISBN: 9784339029420、2024年2月14日


  • “Utilizing Random Data to Detect the Possibility of Dissaving Risk Against Life Expectancy for Elderly People”, International Symposium on Applied Information Technologies and Innovative Applications (AITIA 2024), Takamatsu, Japan, 2024.・“Motivation to Continue the Doctoral Research”, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2024.

  • “Will Q&A Sites Totally Be Replaced by ChatGPT?”, International Symposium on Digital Transformation Innovations towards Industry 5.0 in Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2024.

  • “Is Q&A Site Out-of-date with the Emergence of ChatGPT?”, International Symposium on Practical AI-Based Hyperdemocracy in Universitas Internasional Batam, Batam, Indonesia, 2024.

  • “What Factors Lie Behind Q&A Statements?”, International Symposium on Future of Youth Generations on AI Era. “Towards AI Era in 2030” in Universitas Atma Jaya Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia, 2024.

  • “What Impression Does Q&A Statements Possess?”, International Symposium on AI Innovations Exploring AI-Based Democracy in Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2024.

  • “Impression of Q&A Statements”, International Symposium on AI Innovations Exploring AI-Based Democracy in University of Udayana, Bali, Indonesia, 2024.

  • “Application of word2vec to the Feature Values of Statements Posted at Q&A Site to Estimate Factor Scores”, International Forum on Smart Systems and Service Management (SSSM 2023), Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, 2023.
  • “Experimental Evaluation of Introducing Appropriate Respondents to Questioners at Q&A Sites”, 2nd International Symposium on Applied Informatics and Innovations (ISAII 2022), Koriyama, Fukushima, 2022.
  • “Estimation of Factor Scores from Feature Values of Statements to Obtain Potential Appropriate Respondents to Questioners at Japanese and English Q&A Sites”, International Symposium on Applied Informatics Innovations (ISAII 2022), Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, 2022.
  • “Construction of Social Network Observing Secure and Independent Economic Activities of Elderly People”, International Forum on Applied Information Technology and Social Informatics (IFAITSI 2022), Online, 2022.


  • 吉冨康成、檀友也:財産管理能力判定装置、財産管理能力判定プログラムおよび記録媒体、特願2018-81859、京都府公立大学法人、公開日:2018年4月20日
  • 吉冨康成、檀友也:消費能力判定装置、消費能力判定プログラムおよび記録媒体、特願2017-237270、京都府公立大学法人、公開日:2017年12月11日


  • 15th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI 2023-winter): Honorable Mention Award(2023年12月12日)
  • 13th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI 2022-winter): Honorable Mention Award(2022年12月13日)
  • 第11回日本感性工学会春季大会: 優秀発表賞 (2017年3月29日)


  • 査読つき国際会議論文計7件(うち1件は共著)を公表した。
  • 学部生の頃から着手しているQ&Aサイトに関する研究に加えて、ECサイト系の大規模データを用いた消費者行動に関する研究に着手し始めた。
  • 海外の大学に招聘され、8件の招待講演を実施した。
  • 競争的資金に1件応募した(文部省科研費)。
  • 科学研究費補助金 若手研究 (2020~2023)



  • Bina Nusantara Universityにおいてコロキアムという科目で博士課程15名の研究指導を実施(2024年3月1日)

  • Bina Nusantara Universityにおいて、博士課程の新入生を対象に講演を実施(2024年3月2日)

  • リカレント教育プログラム「働く人のためのデータサイエンス講座」講師(全9回中第6コマ目(2022年6月25日)ならびに7~9コマ目(2022年7月16日))


  • The International Association for Computer and Information Science (ACIS) SERA 2024 Registration Chair
  • 15th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IAAI) AAI2023 Local Arrangement Chairs
  • The International Association for Computer and Information Science (ACIS) SNPD 2022-Summer Special Session Organizer
  • The International Association for Computer and Information Science (ACIS) ACIT 2021 Registration Chair
  • The International Association for Computer and Information Science (ACIS) SNPD 2019 Special Session Organizer
  • The International Association for Computer and Information Science (ACIS) CSII 2019 Registration/Local Arrangements Chair
  • The International Association for Computer and Information Science (ACIS) CSII 2018 Special Session Organizer


日本感性工学会、情報処理学会、International Association for Computer and Information Science、IIAI


  • 国際学会の委員を1件引き受けた。
  • ジャーナル投稿論文の査読の依頼を6件引き受けた。
  • インドネシアのBINUS大学において、博士課程の学生15名に研究指導を実施した。
  • BINUS大学において、博士課程の新入生を対象に講演を実施した。