

Activities for Improving Education Quality

FD Activities

Educational research reflecting the latest trends in technology and management

In the field of information system and monozukuri (manufacturing), technological innovation and market trends change rapidly, which bring changes to the qualities and skills required of engineers by corporations. With the goal of developing highly skilled professionals who can rejuvenate the industry, AIIT grasps the latest trends in technology and management to reflect educational research.

Extensive class offerings as a pioneer in PBL

PBL, with the primary goal of developing competencies, is an educational method where examples of its educational practices have not been sufficiently demonstrated in Japan. The Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology promotes advanced initiatives as a pioneer in PBL development.

Because of this, AIIT recognizes the importance of improving the quality of teaching staff and establishes the FD Committee to actively promote FD on campus.

◆ FD is the abbreviation for Faculty Development and indicates systematic educational improvement for universities.