



  The Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology takes advantage of its expert knowledge and systematized, hands-on technological experience to aim at educating highly expert technicians who possess the motivation and skill to create new value and contribute to vitalizing industry.

Three Policies

Please see here for information regarding our Diploma Policy, Curriculum Policy and Admission Policy.


  The Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology trains architects who are professionals in providing innovation in all fields. The Institute cultivates highly expert technicians through three courses: Business Systems Design Engineering that trains business innovators who create new value in future industries through entrepreneurship, business establishment and business succession, Information Systems Architecture that trains information architects, ultra-versatile players in the information field, and Innovation for Design and Engineering that trains Monozukuri architects, designers who integrate design and function to create innovation.

  These courses offer advanced and practical education through the collaborative work of leading corporate practitioners and noted researchers to train architects in the industrial field.

Three Missions

This Institute advocates the following three missions:

(1) Nurture highly professional employees who can contribute to industrial development in Tokyo.
(2) In cooperation with a College of Technology (KOSEN), provide a nine-year dual education system.
(3) Function as a think tank for industrial development

(1) Development of Professionals

  Tokyo Metropolis is required to have the function to establish the following processes:

global integration to facilitate the development of industrial seeds into accumulated capital in Tokyo, the refinement of developed products and services through interaction with the large consumer market as a metropolitan area, and their provision to the world market as innovative products of value.
  To achieve these objectives, many and varied professional human resources are required to produce all processes ranging from commercialization and service design to manufacturing lines and the distribution process.

  Against this background, with a view to cultivating human resources known as "business innovators", "information architects" and "manufacturing architects" who will become the professional resources needed across all industrial fields, the institute has launched the Master Program of Industrial Technology consists of Business Systems Design Engineering Course, Information Systems Architecture Course and Innovation for Design and Engineering Course.

(2) For Double-Linear Education (Multiversity)

  The Institute has also prepared to the graduates of advanced course of a College of Technology (KOSEN) in Japan to enroll. In addition, by the collaboration with the Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology, we have established 9-year double linear education system (Multiversity) to produce a various level of human resources who bear the future of monozukuri industries.

(3) As a think-tank

 The institute is a public school established by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and will play an active role as a think-tank.

  • Activities of the Open Institute (OPI): We manage training programs, focusing on collaborative courses with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, such as the super-designer training course, the MOT course. In the future, we plan to establish a contract research institute and other organizations in cooperation with small and medium-sized companies. We also hold a monthly forum.
  • Cooperation in drawing out the Tokyo skill standards
  • Collaboration with local governments: With Shinagawa-ku, Minato-ku, and Ota-ku, we are developing specific collaborative businesses and manage a conference for people in charge of promoting industry. We also collaborate with the Education Bureau of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Industrial Technology Center, PBL Tokyo IT training, amongst others.
  • A completion certification program: In parallel with the degree program, we have introduced this program to achieve diversification in learning.

Admissions policy

Please see the Admissions policy of the Institute.