


The Tokyo metropolitan government drew up the “Tokyo in the Next Decade” as a way to present the strategy by the city of Tokyo in the 21st century for the global stage. The strategy is designed to initiate dynamic development through collaboration and solidarity with other Asian cities. Part of the plan involves strategically developing and supporting those who will play a leadership role in the future of Asia.

Taking these points into consideration, AIIT accepts international students from all over the world, but mainly Asia, to ensure that AIIT assumes responsibility for promoting industry in Tokyo through the development of the higher industrial human resources.

Based on mutual agreements with overseas universities, AIIT strives to enhance educational research activities through the joint implementation of PBL.

Global PBL

Amid fierce global competition in Asia today, the business community needs transnational, hands-on professionals. In academic year 2009, AIIT concluded a partnership agreement with Vietnam National University based on a demonstration experiment in academic year 2008. The school implements bilateral global PBL using the video conference system to confirm its educational effectiveness. Moreover, AIIT has started implementing global PBL with Universiti Brunei Darussalam in 2013 and with Unitec Institute of Technology (New Zealand) in 2014 respectively. The following is a list of themes for global PBL from academic year 2008.

Academic year 2022

▶Future Mobility and Infrastructure(Sungkyunkwan University )
▶Global PBL related to startups in AY2023(Ala-too International University, Kirirom Institute of Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung)
▶“Geographical Indication Seminar” and “Cyber Security Seminar” co-hosted with Dong-A University, “Digital Transformation Seminar” co-hosted with Kyrgyz Software and Services Developers Association, “Digital Industry Human Resource Development Seminar” co-hosted with MJIIT, Discussions with Eastern Visayas State University on the promotion of Global PBL in AY2022(Dong A University, Vietnam-Japan Partnership co., Investment Council under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic / Kyrgyz Software and Services Developers Association, Malaysia Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Eastern Visayas State University)

Academic year 2021

▶Digital SDGs Projects in Developing Economies(Universitas Darma Persada)
▶The Civilizational Diversity Projects(Umbu Maris Foundation)
▶A Proposal of the Digital HUB Network Model of Industrial Development, Vendor Risk Management of SMEs in Lao PDR, A proposal of the asean e-goverment harmonization based on x-road(Kyrgyz President’s Office)
▶International Harmonization Project of Geograpical Indication (GI)(Dong A University)
▶Human Securities Project on African Pregnant Women Support(Eliezah Foundation Initiative Uganda)
▶Endogeneous Industrial Development Project in Rural Area in Asia(Eastern Visayas State University)

Academic year 2020

No Global PBL due to the effects of COVID-19

Academic year 2019

▶Problem extraction and improvement suggestion on the view from metropolitan life or technology in social system (China University of Geosciences)
▶A Proposal of the New IT Agriculture (geo-forming), A Proposal of mitigation measures for flood damage in Indonesia using ICT technology, A proposal of the asean e-goverment harmonization based on x-road, A proposal of ASEAN common vendor risk index (Universitas Darma Persada, Umbu Maris Foundation, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), The ASEAN Secretariat)
▶A Proposal of the Digital HUB Network Model of Industrial Development, Vendor Risk Management of SMEs in Lao PDR, A Proposal of the asean e-government harmonization based on x-road (Laos National Institue for Economic Research, Institute of Developing Economies-Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO))
▶An Advanced Methdology of Informatized Society Building Vendor Risk Management of SMEs in Cambodia (Cambodia Ministry of Culture and FIne Arts, Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Kirirom Institute of Technology)
▶A Proposal of the Digital HUB Network Model of Industrial Development, Vendor Risk Management of SMEs for Viet Nam, A proposal of the asean e-government harmonization baed on x-road (Viet-Japan Partnership Inc., Vietnam-Japan Human Resources Cooperaion Center (VJCC), Hanoi University of Business and Technology, Dong A University)

Academic year 2018

▶A New SMEs Finance Schemes on a Blockchain (Hanoi Unicersity of Business and Tecnology, Dong A University)
▶A Proposal of the HCD (Human Center Designed) Compact City Model, ICT Human Resource Development in the Age of Digital Transformation, A Proposal of the Garbage Bank 2.0 in Indonesia, A New SMEs Finance Schemes on a Blockchain (Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Universitas Darma Persada)
▶Participation of Cologne International School of Design (Germany), Audencia Business School (France) and Danish Academy of Fine Arts in a workshop style winter school hold by The glasgow School of Art (The glasgow School of Art) Theme: "Beyond Human"
▶Field survey for the project of development plan in Sumba island (Universitas Darma Persada)
▶The trend of ICT Human Resources in Japan, ICT Human Resource Development in the Age of Digitl Transformation, A New Proposal of a SMEsFInance Scheme based on a Blockchain, The Strategic Perspective of New City Management for ASEAN (Ton Duc Thang University, Dong A University, Hanoi University of Business and Technology)

Academic year 2017 ▶Construction of new community finance system for small to medium enterprises using blockchain technology in Indochina countries (Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology, Thammasat University, Hanoi University of Business and Technology, Institue of Technology of Cambodia)
Academic year 2016 ▶Generating a new robot service’s idea (Universiti Brunei Darussalam)
Academic year 2015 ▶Development of a web service “Startup community” linking universities, companies and students (Vietnam National University)
▶Development of flood detecting system in Brunei using IoT device (Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Unitec Institute of Technology)
Academic year 2014 ▶Development of social quiz platform “Socio-Quiz”, Development of video lecture learning site for VNU students (Vietnam National University)
▶Creating a new Web service application ; Buddy Bot – Support system for chronic pediatric patients using LEGO MINDSTORMS - (Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Unitec Institute of Technology)
Academic year 2013 ▶Visual Activator – Development of expression education support robot - (Vietnam National University)
▶Monitoring infant system by using a robot (Universiti Brunei Darussalam)
Academic year 2012 ▶Management methodology and education of the scrum type software development – Development of remote control application of LEGO MINDSTORMS - (Vietnam National University)
Academic year 2011 ▶Making of a management method for small number of member and short period development projects, and verification of the practicality (Vietnam National University)
Academic year 2010 ▶Development of the GTD based individual task management application “Task Concierge” (Vietnam National University)
Academic year 2009 ▶Development of network task management application by a web browser (Vietnam National University)
Academic year 2008 ▶Evaluation and suggestions for improvement of Web application “Synchronized Web Whiteboard” (Vietnam National University)


The universities launched the Asia Professional Education Network (APEN) as an educational network designed to foster the higher industrial human resources from Asian countries who can play active roles internationally.

In June 2011, AIIT concluded partnership agreements with prominent Asian universities: Vietnam National University (Vietnam), Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China), and Pohang University of Science and Technology (South Korea), followed by Institute of Technology of Cambodia (Cambodia), Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia), Thammasat University (Thailand) in October, Universitiof Teknologi, Malaysia (Malaysia) in November, National University of Laos (Lao PDR) in December, De la Salle University (Philippines) in May 2012, Universiti Brunei Darussalam (Brunei Darussalam) in March 2013, Yangon Technological University (Myanmar) in March 2013 and Gujarat Technological University (India) in July 2014.

As of April 1, 2021, APEN has grown into 13 member countries and 33 member organizations including above 13 director universities. AIIT of Japan serves the role of secretariat.

The goal of APEN is to develop the higher industrial human resources by enlarging the PBL education program developed by AIIT to expand into Asian region.