

ASEAN Economic Ministers' Visit (ASEAN Roadshow) to the Tokyo Model of Comprehensive Higher Professional Education System (Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology (AIIT) and Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology (TMCIT)) April 27, 2012

May 10, 2012

Photo session (images)
Photo session

ASEAN Economic Ministers, in one occasion of the ASEAN Roadshow to Japan, visited the Tokyo Model of Comprehensive Higher Professional Education System (AIIT and TMCIT). APEN explained about the APEN Multiversity policy.
The Ministers outlined promoting and supporting APEN's policies in page 5 (Support for Small and Medium Enterprises) of the Joing Media Statement on the Roadshow to Japan as below;

Joint Media Statement on the ASEAN Roadshow to Japan
28 April 2012 Tokyo, Japan

The ASEAN Roadshow to Japan took place from the 25th to the 28th of April 2012 in Sendai and Tokyo, Japan. The Roadshow was organized by the ASEAN Economic Ministers (AEM), the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan and the Secretary-General of ASEAN, with the support of the AEM-METI Economic and Industrial Cooperation Committee (AMEICC), the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), business organizations, government-affiliated organizations and local governments.

Outcomes of the Road Show

1. The AEM expressed sympathy to the people of Sendai for the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami that occurred last year and noted the remarkable progress of the recovery of Japan, particularly in the Tohoku region, from this natural disaster. They conducted site visits to the Sendai Port and a Japanese manufacturing facility and participated in the ERIA Symposium towards a Disaster Resilient Economy in East Asia, all of which were held in Sendai.

2. Following the discussions at the ERIA Symposium, the AEM re-affirmed the importance of deepening and strengthening the resilience of the supply chain network in East Asia, recognizing the speed at which economic activities were restored after natural disasters such as the earthquake in Japan and floods in the Mekong region took place.

3. The AEM paid a courtesy call to Prime Minister H.E. Yoshihiko Noda, where ASEAN, at the highest level, was assured of the continued support and cooperation of Japan in its economic integration efforts, including the early launch of the negotiation for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership. The AEM also had a dialogue with Diet Members where key issues, such as SME development, connectivity and emerging regional architecture were discussed. ASEAN and the Japanese Diet Members agreed on the importance of: (i) working together to enhance connectivity, not only within ASEAN but also between ASEAN and the rest of East Asia; (ii) collaborating in the development of SMEs in the region to enable them to participate more meaningfully in regional economic integration activities; and (iii) strengthening cooperation to carry forward the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.

4. The AEM also successfully promoted “ASEAN” to key stakeholders in Japan at the ASEAN Investment Forum which included an exhibition showcasing ASEAN goods and information on investing in ASEAN Member States and the FTA Symposium towards Economic Integration in ASEAN and East Asia. These activities enhanced the knowledge of Japanese stakeholders on ASEAN regional integration initiatives such as: the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC) and Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership. AEM consultations with Japanese industrial organizations demonstrated the strong commitment of Japanese industries in cooperating and collaborating with ASEAN to realize high aspirations for inclusive and sustainable economic growth in East Asia.

5. The AEM also had an opportunity to view best practice principles being employed in Japan to steer the growth and encourage the development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) through such practices as the continuous improvement and upgrading of manufacturing processes and the Government’s support in addressing the challenges and problems faced by these companies in doing business in ASEAN.

6. At the Public Private Dialogue, the Ministers exchanged views on the main pillars of the ASEAN-Japan 10-year Strategic Economic Cooperation Roadmap and discussed concrete cooperation projects with government-affiliated organizations, taking into account opinions and requests from industry and academe.

Areas for further cooperation

7. Through the various opportunities presented at the Road Show, including the informal AEM-METI meeting, the Ministers outlined the following areas for further cooperation:

(1) Boosting Trade and Investment between ASEAN and Japan in the Evolving Regional Architecture

(Promoting Investment)
- Support the initiatives by Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) to promote mutual investment between Japan and ASEAN, including organizing investment missions to ASEAN, assigning investment advisors, holding seminars and providing individual consultations through JETRO Business Support Centers (BSCs) in ASEAN.
- Prioritize investments by SMEs through supporting activities by the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JCCI) along with JETRO which include missions to ASEAN, investment seminars, and individual consultations.
- Support investments for developing industrial infrastructure in ASEAN through Nippon Export and Investment Insurance’s (NEXI’s) trade and investment insurance.

(Promoting Trade)
- Welcome the “Asia Caravan” by JETRO to introduce high-quality products to ASEAN.
- Strengthen support for service industries in ASEAN including initiatives by JETRO for promoting retail, distribution and restaurant businesses.
- Support trade through NEXI's trade and investment insurance and re-insurance schemes and human resource development cooperation programs between NEXI and Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) in ASEAN.

(Promoting FTAs /EPAs)
- Engage in the continued review and improvement of the ASEAN+1 FTAs and bilateral EPAs into more user-friendly agreements which include support for seamless business environments through the reduction of barriers in the areas of transportation, distribution and logistics, with a view to advancing wider regional integration.
- Work towards the launch of negotiations for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership by year-end through the ASEAN Plus Working Groups.

(Connectivity enhancement)
- Enhance connectivity in ASEAN towards the establishment of the ASEAN Community in 2015 through efforts for facilitating the implementation of the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity, such as logistics improvement, the promotion of customs modernization in cooperation with private sectors and with the support of relevant organizations including JICA.
- Materialize the idea of “connectivity master plan plus” with appropriate reference to the Comprehensive Asia Development Plan based on the importance of connectivity between ASEAN and the other areas in East Asia.

(2) Strengthening Strategic Economic Relations between ASEAN and Japan towards the Future

(ASEAN-Japan 10-year Strategic Economic Cooperation Roadmap)
- Develop the Roadmap with a vision of doubling trade for the mutual benefit of ASEAN and Japan.
- Focus on the following five priority areas; trade and investment liberalization, facilitation and promotion, system harmonization, improvement of logistics and distribution networks, narrowing development gaps, and promoting advanced industrial development.
- Complete the Roadmap by the 18th AEM-METI Consultation in August 2012 based on the various views presented during the Road Show and establish a follow-up mechanism for implementation of the Roadmap by effectively utilizing existing mechanisms such as AMEICC, in close cooperation with the business community.
- Solicit inputs from the business community on the Roadmap through various channels including the ASEAN-Japan Business Council as well as the forthcoming Asian Business Summit to be organized by Keidanren.

(Dialogue with the Federation of Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry in ASEAN (FJCCIA))
- Support the dialogue with the Secretary General and the FJCCIA in July 2012 as a follow-up of requests from the business community.
- Support continous dialogue between private to private as well as encourage public and private dialogue between ASEAN and Japan.

(Support for Small and Medium Enterprises)
- Promote and support the efforts of the Asia Professional Education Network (APEN) and ERIA to strengthen networks of SMEs in ASEAN and East Asia through "Only-one SME Mission" to ASEAN Member States, the establishment of the "APEN Credibility Index for SMEs" and the development of the "Comprehensive Higher Professional Education System", which will enhance technology transfer and collaboration among SMEs and enhance human resource development.
- Support efforts by JCCI to strengthen industrial organizations in ASEAN, including the Chambers of Commerce in each ASEAN Member State, and efforts geared towards human resource development for SMEs by JCCI and JICA.

(Cooperation in the area of Energy and Environment)
- Develop energy and environmental infrastructure and promote the Smart Community Initiative in ASEAN.
- Strengthen on-going public-private dialogues to realize Smart Communities in South-East Asia through mission schemes organized by New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) and Japan Smart Community Alliance (JSCA).

(3) Establishing a Disaster Resilient Society in East Asia

- Promote the Disaster Management Network for the ASEAN region, including the possibility of developing a Satellite Network Systems for disaster preparedness and disaster relief.
- Task ERIA to further study the disaster preparedness of ASEAN’s supply chain networks, including institutional prevention mechanisms, effective development of infrastructure and overall connectivity of the region.
- Explore support to improve ASEAN Member State’s individual disaster management system focusing on disaster risk assessment and business continuity plan by fully utilizing the lessons learned from the recent disasters in the areas of risk management and sustainable supply chain network.

8. Ministers looked forward to further discussing the outcomes of the Roadshow at the 18th AEM ? METI Consultations in Siem Reap, Cambodia this August 2012.