

MOU for Establishment of Asia Institute of Design and Innovation (AIDI) signed

Nov. 22, 2013

On Tuesday, November 12th 2013 AIIT, APEN, Thammasat University of Thailand and Japan Institute of Design Promotion, concluded a MOU to establish the Asia Institute of Design and Innovation (AIDI) aiming at the industrial human resource development in the fields of industrial design and innovation, in the Human Resources Center of Thammasat University of Thailand.
The mission of AIDI is to enhance the competitiveness of Asian industries through refining product design and facilitating innovations. AIDI will foster human resources with keen design sensibility and creativeness, and conduct related businesses for the accomplishment of its objectives.
The institute will start its full-fledged activities from May 2014 and enrollment of students in autumn of 2014.

Meeting of Asia Institute of Design and Innovation(AIDI)(images)
Meeting of Asia Institute of Design and Innovation(AIDI)
Photo session (images)
Photo session