

Establishment of APEN Business Club(ABC)(March 21th, 2012 ,Tokyo )

Mar. 22, 2012

An establish meeting of APEN Business Club (ABC) was held in Tokyo.
19 companies participated.

Establishment of APEN Business Club(ABC) (images)
Establishment of APEN Business Club(ABC)
Susumu Hotta , Representative Director in Nowla Engineering Co., Ltd. was elected as the chairperson of the steering committee. (images)
Susumu Hotta , Representative Director in Nowla Engineering Co., Ltd. was elected as the chairperson of the steering committee.
Hidetoshi Nishimura, Executive director of ERIA(Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and EAST Asia) made a speech. (images)
Hidetoshi Nishimura, Executive director of ERIA(Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and EAST Asia) made a speech.